Losing a good friend... hurts.

We just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has bought a Bowfishing Prayer shirt. We wanted to do something we could raise money to help Joe and Anthony's families out. I figured we would sell maybe 50-100 shirts? Never would I think it would be 1000+ shirts! Joe would be laughing right now with that smirk on his face. It's amazing how the outdoor commuinty can help one another out. We were able to give $5,000.00 to the GofundMe (funeral expenses) page which helped it reach its goal of $10k+!

The remaining money raised will be going towards the new Lifevest "Pay it Forward" Program that we are still working on the details. We were brainstorming around the idea to do something that could help save lives of other boaters. We all are guilty of not wearing them. Its sad to say that it took this event to changed a lot of us.

Please keep their families in your prayers.